Recording | Mixing | Mastering

A mixing engineer with a passion for music
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The Snake Oil Story

The journey starts professionally in 1979 with a guitar in hand and many miles to be traveled. As an active musician to this day Dan-O Deckelman is still on the journey that has carried him to many parts of the world. Audio engineering and producing were always a fixture for him on both sides of the glass. “My first real taste of a professional studio was in 1979. The band I was in (Latter-day/PAX)were brought to a studio to cut a demo for a manager shopping it to major labels. I walked into the control room and that was it. I was hooked. The fact that Robbie Robertson was sitting at the console didn’t hurt either. Robbie did not push any faders on that session. Matter of fact he left shortly after we met briefly. However, it certainly helped stir things up for me right then and there.” Dan-O traveled many miles, and saw many studios large and small after that initial experience. Extended journeys in and out of the studio with The Service, Mudd Helmut, Rocket 69, Adam West, and The Rats (to name only a handful) carried him to many corners of the world.

In 1998 Dan-O decided to professionally record and produce artists opening Snake Oil Recording. Originally, Snake Oil had a record label component. Snake Oil continues to serve the artistic passions of artists from all genres. Since 2018 Dan-O Deckelman has also been a staff engineer and producer with Sound of Music Studios here in Richmond, Va. and continues his relationship with this great family of people.


Recording, mixing, mastering, and most things studio.


I primarily work at SOM and SNR but will go anywhere.


Bands, musicians, and their music that I’ve had the pleasure to work with